Pearl Driving School
Ontario Road Signs Test 1
1. What does this warning sign with a truck rolling down a hill mean?
2. This yellow sign with the swerving car means what?
3. This yellow diamond sign with a truck heading towards a road means?
4. A sign shaped like a yellow diamond with these two narrowing lines in the middle means what?
5. What does the sign below tell you?
6. What does this sign mean?
7. What does this sign mean?
8. What does this yellow diamond mean?
9. What does a “No Standing” sign mean?
10. What does this yellow sign mean?
11. What does this square sign with a red circle mean?
12. What does this diamond shaped sign with a checkered border and a pointed arrow mean?
13. What does this yellow sign with a black arrow mean?
14. What does this yellow diamond warning sign mean?
15. What does this sign mean?
16. What does this green road sign mean?
17. What does this X sign mean?
18. What does this square sign mean?
19. This yellow warning sign means what?
20. What does this red sign mean?
Question 1 of 20